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Huub Prins is the Dutch-singing pop extravaganza alter ego of Elias Elgersma (known from The Homesick and Yuko Yuko). In 2020, he released his lo-fi debut album ‘Buitenspel,’ followed by ‘De Rat’ and ‘Hoofdpersoon’ in 2021 and 2022. His progressive and catchy Dutch pop songs are characterized by peculiar and self-reflective lyrics about friendship and bad habits.

On stage, Huub Prins is a one-man-sing-and-dance performer with an energetic and slightly schizotypal attitude. Ranging from a childlike character to a wicked and malicious personality, he navigates his danceable and high-tempo live set.

In the past year, Prins performed at festivals such as Welcome to the Village, Left of the Dial, Valkhof Festival, participated in the Popronde, and toured in venues and clubs in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Germany.